
健康中心可以诊断和治疗病毒和细菌感染, 包括尿路感染, 链球菌性喉炎, 流感, 莫诺, 普通感冒和鼻窦炎. We also help manage seasonal allergy symptoms and stomach pain/gastroenteritis. 除了这些服务, 健康中心可以评估皮疹, 割伤和擦伤, 扭伤和拆线.  The providers in the 健康中心 can prescribe medications as needed and order lab work or imaging, 比如x射线, 协助诊断协助诊断. Rapid 5 minute strep, 莫诺 and 流感 tests are also utilized in the 健康中心. 提供者可以根据需要咨询专家. For information about various illnesses and how to care for them, see the Student Self Care Guide. Campus Police is available 24 hours a day to assist with emergency medical situations – contact them at 508-626-4911. 

健康中心对所有学生开放, 包括全职, 兼职, 通勤, 和居民, 本科生和研究生. There is never a co-pay for a visit, and students are not limited to a set number of visits per year. Insurance is not notified of visits to our office – student fees cover the costs. 所有访问都是保密的,并严格遵守HIPPA隐私准则. We are happy to set up appointments to discuss health concerns or questions, 还有治疗疾病. Same-day appointments are usually available – call or walk in to schedule an appointment. 508-626-4900 

健康中心提供结核病检测(PPD检测),费用为20美元. 这些测试在星期一进行, 星期二, Wednesdays and Fridays and students must be able to return to the 健康中心 48-72 hours later to have the test read. Please call ahead of time to schedule the appointment and to verify that the test is in stock. 当地的药店和紧急护理诊所也可以进行这种测试. The 流感 vaccine may be offered at the 健康中心 – watch for email announcements regarding flu clinics. All students are encouraged to get immunized against the flu before coming to campus in the Fall. 

The 健康中心 keeps an updated list of specialists in the 弗雷明汉 area, 包括皮肤科医生, 眼科医生, 妇产科医师, 神经科医生等等. If a student needs to be seen by a specialist, the provider will discuss options for care.  We encourage all students with chronic health issues to work out a care plan with their PCP prior to arriving on campus. 

The 健康中心 provides pelvic exams to help diagnosis and treat vaginal infections and can also perform screening Pap tests if you are due for one.  The new health screening guidelines are for women to have their first Pap at age 21, 之后每三年检查一次,只要检查结果正常. 巴氏试验将被送到我们的实验室(Quest).  Quest将向您收取测试费用的保险费用.  法律规定,这项测试必须由你的保险承担.  请带着你的保险卡去赴约, 因为Quest将需要这些信息来正确计费. 如遇后续护理, 比如阴道镜检查, 是必要的, 我们会把你介绍给当地的妇科医生. 

健康中心通过Quest实验室提供性传播感染筛查. 我们筛查淋病、衣原体和滴虫病.  我们也诊断疱疹和生殖器疣.  

健康中心在我们办公室提供免费验孕. 没有保险或外部实验室参与该测试. The 健康中心 can provide names of local OB/GYN providers for prenatal care. 保健中心提供堕胎后的后续护理. 


The 健康中心 can prescribe 生育控制 pills, the NuvaRing and “the shot” (Depo-Provera).  这包括一个预约,我们会检查你的健康史, 讨论你的避孕方案, 并帮助你选择适合你的避孕方法.   

The 健康中心 has two types of 紧急避孕法 available to students with an appointment - Plan B and Ella.  A healthcare provider will help you determine if you are at risk for pregnancy and which option would work better for you.  B计划和艾拉的费用是20美元.  在无保护性交后尽快服用这两种药物效果最好. 预约紧急避孕时, 请告诉我你那天需要有人见你. 如果健康中心关闭了, we recommend students go to the pharmacy or urgent care to obtain 紧急避孕法. Plan B is available at pharmacies without a 处方 – ask at the pharmacy. 艾拉需要处方. 

The Nurse Practitioners and physicians who staff the health center can provide 处方s, 比如哮喘药物, 适当使用抗生素, 生育控制, and other medications needed to treat episodic illnesses or maintain your health. You will be seen for an appointment and prescribed the necessary medication at your visit.  处方 can be electronically sent to the pharmacy of your choice to be filled.  There is no pharmacy on campus but several which are within walking or short driving distance. 

Many rapid tests are available in the 健康中心, including strep, 莫诺, 流感 and pregnancy. 供应商在适当的时候使用这些测试.  

健康中心与Quest Diagnostics合作进行非现场实验室测试. If a student is seen for an illness and a test is deemed necessary, a sample will be sent to Quest. 考试结果一出来,学生们就会收到通知. Common tests sent out include urine cultures, throat cultures, STI testing, and wound cultures.  

If blood work is ordered, students will be sent to the lab at MetroWest Medical Center in 弗雷明汉. Free taxi vouchers are available from the 健康中心 to get the student to and from the lab. 学生去实验室时必须带保险卡. 

当任何测试从健康中心送到实验室时, Quest将向学生的保险公司收取测试费用. Students should bring their insurance card to every visit in case a lab is ordered – Quest will need this information for their billing. 所有内部测试都是免费的,不涉及保险通知. 

因为每个保险计划都是不同的, we suggest contacting your insurance company for more information regarding costs, as well as whether any kind of statement will be sent to the Insurance Policy Holder regarding testing that was performed. This will be the same laboratory billing policy regardless of whether you use your PCP, 紧急护理诊所或FSU健康中心. 

The 健康中心 encourages students to protect their health in all aspects of their life. 健康中心提供免费避孕套!  我们在候诊室里有一个篮子,里面放着避孕套.   我们也有女用避孕套, 无乳胶避孕套, and dental dams available – ask at the front desk if none are available in the waiting room. 

注册营养师, Licensed Dietician/Nutritionist is available for free nutritional counseling in the 健康中心. Any student with nutritional concerns or questions regarding healthy eating, 体重问题, 特殊饮食(如素食/纯素食), gluten-free) or general nutrition is encouraged to call and make an appointment. Hours and days vary, so please contact the 健康中心 for more information. 508626-4900.